Gallery & Museum

Second Saturday Art Openings 4-7pm


Second Saturday Art Openings 4-7pm 〰️


The Siskiyou Arts Museum’s Gallery hosts themed shows throughout the year.  We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 12pm to 4pm, and on 2nd Saturday Art Openings from 12pm to 7pm.  Sales in our gallery support local and regional artists and help to underwrite our museum exhibitions and community programs.


The Museum space allows us to feature additional art shows and events, especially exhibits of historic interest, artist retrospectives and educational events. The space is bright and airy, with doors that lead out to SAM’s back deck and garden area.

Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals ⋆

The Siskiyou Arts Museum reviews art show proposals throughout the year!

We are excited to hear from our creative community members about the shows they are interested in presenting at SAM. Exhibitions generally remain on display for two months and are scheduled to open on the second Saturday of each month. Proposals will be reviewed by our Head Curator, Lindsay Hanley, and then approved by our Board of Directors.

We accept proposals at any time. Our criteria will focus on technical skill, aesthetic qualities, historical, cultural, or educational significance, audience appeal, and alignment with our mission statement. We suggest choosing other artists with whom you’d like to collaborate, and who are interested in participating in a group show at SAM.

Artists are welcome to submit their proposals for the 2026 art show season via the link below; 2025 is filled. Proposals should include a title, concept, and artists involved. If artists are submitting as a group, each participant should submit a proposal with their complete information, referencing the show title and names of other participants. Please submit photos and additional documents via email (with your name and the title of your show proposal in the subject line) to Linsday Hanley at

Alternatively, you may mail a paper copy of your proposal form and supporting documents. Click here to download a pdf of the form, or pick one up at SAM’s front desk.